light, bright, airy, warm in winter, cool in summer, our classrooms are designed for learning . . .
our classrooms
Ruma Rātā is where our literacy and numeracy learning is based. During the first block of the day, our juniors get to enjoy the space to themselves for Play Zone.
challenge yourself, climb a tree, ride the flying fox, climb the bank, make daisy chains in the sun, play ball . . .
our school grounds
Our school grounds offer many different opportunities and places for children to play (not to mention the awesome harbour views).
a good size field for running and playing games
courts for playing ball games equipped with basketball hoops and tennis nets
playground with climbing equipment to challenge strength and balance, including monkey bars and climbing rock
our very own flying fox!
sandpit and mud kitchen
trees for shade and climbing
our 'wild' bank
I love climbing trees and some of the trees here are so big. I feel like there's no limit to climbing.
Phoenix (11)
meet, create, build and act . . . Ruma Rimu is a place for whole school meetings and creative play
Ruma Rimu
Ruma Rimu is our space where the whole school gathers together every morning for karakia, waiata, and a talk about what is happening that day. It is also a space where the seniors have their own desks and some quiet as they focus on their projects, writing, maths, and other learning.
The whole school gathers together again after lunch in Rimu for Read to Self, a chance for children to get lost in books.
and come and have a look at what our school has to offer for yourself